Additional Services

Struggling With Anxiety or Depression In Boise, ID?

Schedule a medical consultation today

Cottonwood Family Medicine provides a variety of additional medical services to make sure you're feeling your best every day. We can help with mental wellness issues, such as

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Insomnia

We can diagnose your issues, and then help you take the right steps to manage your symptoms.

Get ready for your upcoming operation

Get ready for your upcoming operation

Schedule a preoperative exam with Cottonwood Family Medicine. We'll make sure you're squared away and ready for your upcoming surgery. From x-rays to other necessary tests, our clinic can do anything you might need to ensure you're good to go.

Cosmetic Laser Care Cottonwood Family Medicine Patients/Members receive a 50% discount on all of the Cottonwood Laser Care Services to include: Age Spot Removal Hair Removal Skin Tightening Tattoo Removal